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Frequently Asked Questions


What is Atelier Direct La Presse

Atelier Direct La Presse is an easy way to launch advertising campaigns in the La Presse ecosystem, requiring only a few clicks. It’s a self-service platform that’s available 24/7—which means you can create and upload your ads, track their results in real time and optimize your campaigns, with total convenience.

Which La Presse platforms will my ads appear on?

Your ads could appear on La Presse’s digital ecosystem, which includes La Presse+ tablet app, the La Presse mobile app and the website.

Will I be able to contact you if I have any questions during the process?

Absolutely! Our self-service platform is managed by real people, and our team will be more than happy to answer your questions. To contact us, write to us via the Support tab under your profile.

What is the minimum investment for a campaign on La Presse’s self-service platform?

The minimum investment to launch an advertising campaign through Atelier Direct La Presse is $500. Enter your budget and campaign dates in the boxes provided, and the platform will calculate the quantity of impressions that will be delivered. Prefer to buy by volume of impressions? Enter the amount of impressions you want to purchase, and the platform will tell you the budget required for your campaign.

Atelier Direct La Presse offers advertisers unparalleled autonomy and simplicity in launching digital campaigns in the La Presse ecosystem. But if the advertising formats and targeting options on our self-service platform don’t meet your campaign objectives, please reach out to your Account Director. Our team will help you to figure out the best way to maximize your campaign performance by leveraging our range of high-impact advertising formats. If you don’t have an Account Director, contact us at or 514-285-6931.

Can I try Atelier Direct La Presse for free?

You can go through the Atelier Direct La Presse process and get set up with no obligation to purchase. To create an account, you’ll need to provide your name, email address and the name of your company. You can then navigate the platform and explore its features. We won’t ask you for your payment information until you’re ready to launch your advertising campaign.


Is it difficult to create, launch and manage an advertising campaign using the Atelier Direct La Presse self-service platform?

It is super easy! There are basically five steps to the process:

1- Choose the type of ads you would like to use for your campaign (native formats or standard display).

2- Set your budget and campaign dates.

3- Decide if you want geo-targeting or targeting by areas of interest.

4- Create your ads directly on the platform (for native formats) or upload your big box ads or double big box ads (for standard display).

5- Give your campaign another review and proceed to payment.


And there you have it! Advertising in a trusted environment has never been easier.

Will my ads be targeted to a specific La Presse audience?

That’s up to you! If your message is aimed at a wide audience, you can benefit from La Presse’s extraordinary reach by publishing your ads across the entire ecosystem (depending on the amount of impressions you want or your budget). If your message is aimed more at a specific clientele, you can take advantage of data science expertise and run your ads targeted to one or more of our curated audience segments according to areas of interest. Geo-targeting options are also available.

Which targeting options are available on the self-service platform?

There are two targeting options at your disposal:


By areas of interest

Select one or more of our 16 curated audience segments established by our data science experts. Our segmentation allows you to target groups of readers based on their interests such as travel, cars, outdoors, business, family, etc.



Target your advertising to where your customers are; select your audience by using a combination of regions, metropolitan areas, cities or neighbourhoods.


These two targeting options—geographical or by areas of interest—can be combined. They’re also optional.

What types of advertising formats are available on Atelier Direct La Presse?

There are two types of ad formats available on our self-service platform:

  1. Native ads, which you will create using our easy-to-use ad building tool on the platform. All you need is an image, your logo, a title and a short description.

  2. Double big box ads (300×600) and big box ads (300×250), which you can easily upload to the platform.

Do you approve the ads submitted via the self-service platform?

We have standards in place to ensure the quality of the advertising content delivered to our readership. For more details on ad approval, please consult our Ad approval policy. Ads submitted through our self-service platform are checked within 48 working hours.

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